A man dressed smart casual in jacket and shirt with a big smile because he understands How to Work ON Your Business for Immense Growth

How to Work on Your Business for Immense Growth

It’s time to work on your business because it’s the key to immense business growth and scaling, rather than working in the daily operations. Too often, business owners are told to “work on, not in, their business” without an explanation of what that truly means. Let’s change that and break down the crucial mindset shift required to work on strategically growing your business.

Start IN the Business, But Have a Plan to Work ON It

While I advocate for most business owners to start by working in their business initially, it’s important to have the mindset of transitioning to working on your business for scalable growth as the business evolves. Working in the day-to-day allows you to understand the challenges before delegating to others. But you’ll be able to step back, once systems are in place using the HouseRules methodology. this in turn will allow for building a team and scaling your business.

When you have HouseRules repeatable, documented processes in place, that’s when you can start delegating responsibilities to others and developing your internal community. This frees you up to work on high-level business strategy, explore new opportunities for growth, and drive immense business scaling – rather than being stuck working in operational mode.

A Cautionary Tale: When You're Too Deep Working IN Your Business

There was a catering company hired for a private event. However, a disconnect arose because the business owner was operating fully in the delivery mode of working in the business, without clear processes or an aligned internal community on expectations.

A simple job ad for servers, that lacked the additional expectation to do prep work and muck in where needed. Transportation was an afterthought so when 75% of the serving staff realised there was no way home from the remote estate, they walked out mid-event.

It was a wake-up call to step back and establish HouseRules – documented processes, role clarity, and to focus on building an internal community that bought into the same vision. 

Don't Be the Bottleneck: Why You Can't Work ON Your Business If You're the Cornerstone

Failing to have the right setup and systems in place, makes it extremely difficult to work on scaling and driving business growth. You may have desires to explore new opportunities to expand, but instead, you find yourself stuck working in the day-to-day operations, unable to step back and work on your business.

Remember, HouseRules isn’t just about documented policies. You can have all the procedures for any scenario, but without building the right internal community following the methodology, you’re still bottlenecking your ability to work on growing your business, not just working in it.

It’s time to be honest about what achieving the freedom to strategically work on propelling your business growth, not solely being a doer, truly requires. Following the HouseRules method means also developing an interdependent team united around your business’ success. Only then can you step back to focus on strategic growth.

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Stop Stalling: It's Time to Work ON Your Business Transformation

As a business owner, your responsibilities are numerous. It’s understandable if there are times you fail to spot signs that you’re still too focused on working in the business instead of strategically working on driving its growth.  However, this tends to happen if you don’t regularly review your foundations and HouseRules.

You must ensure you’re delivering on your promise to paying clients as well as your internal community bought into the journey of scaling the business. Working on your business includes stepping back to assess if you have the right operational setup for productive, cost-effective business growth.

Without periodic self-assessments, you’ll keep stalling your own transformation from a hands-on doer to a visionary leading the work on propelling the bigger picture business growth.

You don’t have to figure out the mindset shift alone. Transform from working in your business to strategically starting with a Dust Off review to lay the foundations to work on scalable growth.

After analysing your current situation, you’ll get a customised plan to implement HouseRules. So you can finally step back and lead your business with a growth mindset focused on working on achieving the next level

As The Ethical Strategist, I partner with ambitious business owners ready to transition from working in the daily grind to strategically working on the business for immense, sustainable growth and scaling their legacy impact.

But you can’t successfully make that shift to working on your business without first laying the groundwork – implementing the HouseRules methodology. This establishes documented processes, an aligned internal community, and ethical principles as the foundation to work on scalable business growth.

If you’re tired of stalling in operational mode instead of propelling your vision forward by working on strategic scaling and business growth initiatives, it’s time to take action. Book a consultation to go through a Dust Off review and get a customised roadmap for putting HouseRules in place. Once you have that structure, you’ll finally be able to step back and work on taking your business to new heights of immense growth and scaling.

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