It's about that time for a

Clean Out

Grant yourself the best opportunity for success with a Clear Out audit.

  • Are you tired of swimming through a sea of outdated policies and procedures?
  • Feeling like your business is drowning in a pool of confusion?
Fear not, because a Clear Out audit is here to rescue you! A Clear Out is not just an ordinary policy audit – it’s the superhero of policy alignment, ready to save your business from the clutches of chaos.

Unleash the Power of Policy Alignment!

Here at CAS Ltd, it is believed that every business deserves a fresh start. So the comprehensive service includes a complete audit of your business policies and associated procedures. But hold on tight because it doesn’t stop there! The deep dive into your policies is coupled with the power of Humming sessions.
Indeed, having a clear understanding of the reasoning behind rules and open discussions about them can play a crucial role in ensuring their effective enforcement.
When Your Team Feeds into the Mission and Vision is a consideration that every leader must consider in a business that is to thrive

Imagine having your own personal guide!

You and The Ethical Strategist working through your policies, identifying the ones that need to stay, those that have lost their relevance, and those that simply need to be banished and never spoken of again. Forget about worker bees; when we come together, there will be a hum of productivity.

The Breakdown of a Clear Out Audit

During the initial meeting, we’ll dive right in for up to an hour to establish any pressing areas of concern. We’re not just about paperwork – we shall go to the heart of your business, so come prepared.
The goal is to ensure that everyone in your organisation understands the importance of having and following policies.  Secondly, the rules should align with the essence and intentions of your business. It’s about making your policies work for you, not against you.

It's the creation of HouseRules

But wait, there’s more! The Clear Out audit goes above and beyond. The Ethical Strategist is unafraid to roll up the shirt sleeves and get hands-on. At this stage, it’s about getting in amongst the internal community and developing best practices and process improvements. Training, observation and assisting key individuals in implementing the HouseRules.

You will have the guidance needed to build on strong foundations through your HouseRules that reflects your unique business culture and values.

Have confidence in business when you know it's not all about KLT
It is a true partnership

You won't get this will any other company.

This is a truly bespoke offer for companies that are in it for more than financial gain. You’re here to make a difference. It’s impossible to achieve with the boilerplate rules that are overused, faded and representative of a time long passed.
CAS Ltd brings a touch of sassy class to the table. It’s not about boring, stuffy consultations. The Ethical Strategist is informative and ensures you remain legally compliant whilst you bring your business to life. This is an important part of your business, so there is no reason why you shouldn’t enjoy it.

Get ready to shake things up.

Say goodbye to yawn-inducing meetings and hello to engaging discussions that leave you inspired and motivated.
So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to get your house in order with a Clear Out.

Join the monthly mailing list and receive the links to the Ethical Insights for the month. Additionally, the mailing list can serve as a helpful reminder to keep your house in order. To clarify, this is not an attempt to bombard you with sales updates.

What Are the Benefits of a Clear Out Audit?

Streamline Efficiency

Say goodbye to policy-induced headaches! A Clear Out audit weeds out the outdated and unnecessary policies, leaving you with a streamlined set of HouseRules that actually makes sense. Save time, effort, and your sanity as you watch your operations become as smooth as silk.

Enhanced Compliance

Compliance can be a real pain in the you-know-what, but you’re covered with a Clear Out! In brief, The Ethical Strategist ensures your policies fully comply with those pesky legal and industry requirements. No more sleepless nights wondering if you’re ticking all the boxes. With a Clear Out audit, take the time to dream of your accomplishments.

Customised Solutions

In short there is no cookie-cutter approach here. Your business is unique, and your policies should be too. Crafting tailored solutions that fit like a glove is a joint effort. Get ready to unleash a whole new level of policy greatness!

Increased Clarity

Let’s cut through the jargon jungle and get straight to the point. Besides getting compliant HouseRules working with CAS Ltd ensures you understand your policies inside and out—no more confused faces or guessing games. Your internal community will be on the same page, ready to conquer the world.

Ready to elevate your business with a fresh start?

Clear Out doesn’t just talk the talk; we walk the walk. You’ve got to have substance with that attitude. CAS Ltd will keep you entertained and engaged throughout the process. So say farewell to snooze-fest meetings and hello to informative, witty, and downright sassy sessions that will leave you feeling inspired and ready to conquer policy chaos like a boss!
Don’t let your business drown in a sea of outdated policies. Instead, choose Clear Out and witness the transformation firsthand. It’s time to embrace the power of policy alignment and let the sass flow through your organisation. So book today, and let’s start rewriting the rules of policy success!
Enjoy the freedom of having a clear outlook once you've gone through the a Clear Out audit.

What's the delay?

Click on the button below to book time on my calendar.  This package starts at 


Cas Johnson The Ethical Strategist Ready to build a business with difference. Let's get your house in order.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Regularly reviewing and updating business policies and procedures is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures compliance with changing industry regulations, helping you avoid penalties and legal issues.

Secondly, it allows you to identify and address gaps or inefficiencies in your operations, improving productivity and cost savings.

Lastly, it helps maintain consistency and clarity within your organisation, promoting a smooth workflow and enhancing the internal community.

Think of it as a business makeover! In short, this policy audit will declutter your tangled web of policies, eliminating unnecessary and outdated ones. As a result, with Clear Out, you’ll simplify efficiency, enhance compliance, and promote clarity throughout your organisation.

It’s like a breath of fresh air for your business!

 50% of the current starting fee (quoted above) is required before the first meeting. 

During our initial  Humming session (which will be for an extended time of 75mins), we will discuss the work to be undertaken, agreeing on a timeframe and the fee.

You will receive a link for your  Clarification Humming session once payment in full has been made.  You can make contact if there are any concerns or further questions that can be discussed in the session.

We’re not here to drag things out. But, of course, the duration of the Clear Out process depends on the complexity of your business and the number of policies we need to tackle. But fear not, we’ll work swiftly and efficiently to get the job done.

Consider it a courtship with your policies – we’ll make it quick but impactful!

Absolutely! It’s not a case of leaving you hanging after the audit. On the contrary, a Clear Out audit goes the extra mile by providing observation, training and assistance in implementing the HouseRules into your organisation.

In brief, The Ethical Strategist will ensure your team understands and embraces the new policies like a fashion-forward trend. Consider CAS Ltd your policy style guru!