A Word to the Struggling Coach

It seems like everywhere you turn nowadays, you bump into a coach of some sort. It’s hardly surprising because problems are abundant, and if you can get someone to help you through the tough times, it’s all about la dolce vita!

Be that as it may, even coaches are not immune from problems, and it listed that the inability to meet the client’s needs precisely, the failure to reinvest in themselves and the difficulty in attracting new business are a few of the main challenges for coaches in 2022.

I am not a coach, so I cannot advise on that. However, having the proper structure in place could help alleviate some of the abovementioned setbacks. Nothing speaks to your professionalism more than seeing your system. To deliver as you stated on the tin should see you in good stead with a thriving business.

Inability to meet the needs of the client with clarity

Set out in plain language what you are offering as a coach. It is easy to get a person excited by speaking passionately about what you offer. You talk to their soul, understanding their challenges and offering reassurance that you can get them through it. There is a huge but!

At some point, you must ensure that the potential client is on the same frequency as you are about the pending session. Too much focus on resolution and not enough on the process can lead to disappointment on both sides. Set out what you expect of them and your role in your Terms and Conditions.

To assist others you must first help yourself. Let's get those HouseRules in place.

Neglecting to reinvest in yourself

An industry centred around helping others sometimes skirts around the money conversations. When focusing on ensuring you are the right fit for the individual, you forget about your time. Do you have a policy for no-shows and cancellations? You are a business. Therefore time is an essential commodity in your line of work.

With the best intentions and wanting to be the loudest cheerleader for your client, the client must be abundantly clear of the boundaries. Once you have given it sufficient thought and have clarity on time, you will reserve for your self-development, you must be transparent with your HouseRules.  Ensure they are everywhere, so there is no confusion.

Difficulty attracting new clients

As a person who looks for the missing link and highlights the oversights, the challenge of finding new business is relatable. First, have a structure in place that someone can research for themselves. Word-of-mouth referrals are great but remember you’re asking someone to open up to a stranger about a problem. Like a broken record, your policies should mention confidentiality.

How will you protect their information, and do you intend to share it with anyone else? This and the other policies mentioned will demonstrate that you have a structure. As a result, you become less of a risk and a stranger as your potential client becomes more aware of what you are offering them.

As a person who looks for the missing link and highlights the oversights, the challenge of finding new business is relatable. First, have a structure in place that someone can research for themselves. Word-of-mouth referrals are great but remember you’re asking someone to open up to a stranger about a problem. Like a broken record, your policies should mention confidentiality.

How will you protect their information, and do you intend to share it with anyone else? This and the other policies mentioned will demonstrate that you have a structure. As a result, you become less of a risk and a stranger as your potential client becomes more aware of what you are offering them.

I am The Ethical Strategist, and I hope this has at least got you thinking about what you may be missing in your business that could be contributing to your stagnation. Please feel free to comment and do connect, so you can keep updated. As I said earlier, respecting time is imperative. If you wish to discuss working together, feel free to book a Sip & Chat.

Resting face of The Ethical Strategist Cas Johnson

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