The game of show and tell in the business world needs updating. Why is it acceptable to display your refund and delivery information but not your anti-bullying or social media policies easily accessible to potential new recruits?
Recruiters encourage jobseekers to go onto the company website and their social media channels to d their due diligence ahead of the interview so they can regurgitate it during the interview. But does that enable the candidate to determine whether the company is the right fit for them?
What Game are you Playing?
Consider for a moment what information an organisation is putting out to the world. Remember that dating show where the “contestants” were all dressed in their finest to appeal to the person looking for a date? Most of the time, everyone would make an effort (on occasion, you would get the odd person who had the attitude “take me as I am” – but they rarely made it to the final stages). It’s the same tango with businesses; their website and social media are to appeal to their potential customers rather than the help.
A more productive method for the candidate is to see behind the scenes.
Whilst the customer may receive the white glove service, it could be a different story for the team. But unlike the customers who can click on links to confirm the level of expectation, the job seeker has to be more creative.
Can we reach the point where we can respect the incoming team members enough to give them access to your policies and procedures to enable them to make a fully informed decision about joining your organisation?
Be Confident in Telling
Stop referring individuals to your beautifully curated websites and photoshop social media for your target market. Unless that is the vacancy you wish to fill (and every role can’t be for a brand audit!).
Take into consideration
- the great resignation;
- new employees looking for a new position within the first 4-6mths of starting;
- your turnover rate and the associated costs.
Stop squandering your time on something that is a simple fix.
Share your HouseRules and use them to support you grow your business.
Time to Change the Game
It’s time to revamp the hiring procedure because unless you are in the recruitment business, you must get off the hamster wheel. Remember, there are the less obvious places for the savvy candidate to conduct their investigations:
- websites like Glassdoor
- the latest employment tribunal hearings
- social media and forums
Yes, there may be a few that are disgruntled but get enough questionable reviews, and it could be warning enough to encourage a potential hirer to step away. Unfortunately, it’s becoming increasingly common for individuals to quit before they start, leaving you to go through the process again. And unlike an MOT, you don’t get a second chance for free.
Allow candidates to make a properly informed decision to join your internal community.
Revisit the Rules
By having active policies and procedures in your organisation, you’re sharing the core values of your business, the expectation that you and others joining are to comply with, and the guides of how you go about doing that.
In such situations, you can have more in-depth and relevant discussions to determine whether this is the start of a budding relationship. Stop leaving your strategy plan on the shelf when you need to refresh yourself and introduce potential newbies to the HouseRules of your business.
The Ethical Strategist works with leaders and management teams to ensure that their core values and HouseRules translate into the daily practices of the business. Be sure to check out the other Ethical Insights.
Not one to keep you any longer than necessary, look out for the following Ethical Insight. In the meantime, if you would like to talk more, book a Sip & Chat.