The unmistakable signs of an unhealthy business ego are the focus of this article – three glaring ones that can seriously derail your business if left unchecked. Maintaining a healthy work environment is crucial, but an unhealthy ego can quickly spiral into toxic, problematic behaviour. Knowing how to spot the key signs of an unhealthy business ego early gives you a better chance of preventing destructive situations before they escalate and become costly.
The Signs of an Unhealthy Business Ego to Watch For
Sign #1 of an Unhealthy Business Ego: The Overconfident Underachiever
Recognising the Signs of Unhealthy Business Ego
Implement HouseRules for Business
An Unhealthy Ego is a Common Problem
This can be a clear sign of an unhealthy business ego taking root. Hiring the right person for the company can be a challenge. However, when the odds of getting it right are so low, there is a severe flaw. To have a troublesome team member is concerning. To have a bad manager or leader is detrimental to business (and very costly).
Don't Suffer Due a Lack of Established Guidelines
Without clear HouseRules in place, you risk introducing chaos and misalignment into your business. As discussed, having a new hire set their own tone and path without adhering to your company’s core values and mission can lead to costly conflicts down the line.
A “Dust Off” review can be invaluable in identifying gaps in your policy, procedure, or process when recruiting. By taking a deep dive into a business area, we can pinpoint where refinements are needed to ensure your guidelines align with your business’s purpose.
During the 60-minute Humming session, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your concerns, and challenges openly. We’ll dive into your current practices, procedures, and team dynamics, followed up with a tailored recommendation report as a starting point for change.
Don’t let the dust settle on potential issues. Invest in a Dust Off review and gain the confidence that your house is in order, paving the way for sustainable growth and success.
Sign #2 of an Unhealthy Business Ego: The Micromanaging Control Freak
When an Unhealthy Ego Brings Stagnation
Manage Unhealthy Ego in the Workplace
Implement HouseRules for Your Business
Stop the Talent Drain: Get to the Root of Unhealthy Ego Traits
One telltale sign of an unhealthy ego in the workplace is a high employee turnover rate. Top performers often leave when they see no opportunities for growth or advancement, feeling stifled by micromanaging egos who fail to recognise their potential.
Do you find yourself constantly rehiring and retraining due to this toxic cycle? It’s a clear indicator that your policies and procedures need a tune-up to realign with your company’s core values and allow your internal community the clarity of their remit.
Don’t let unhealthy egos dictate the rules anymore. It’s time to take control and implement clear, well-defined HouseRules that cultivate a positive, collaborative environment.
Gain Clarity in Your Practices with a Humming Session
The Humming Session provides a focused one-hour consultation where we’ll dive deep into your business’s policies, processes, and team dynamics. Together, we can identify areas for improvement and explore ways to align these critical elements with your company’s mission and values.
By getting your house in order, you’ll be better equipped to recognise and manage unhealthy ego traits before they derail your progress. You’ll foster a culture of accountability, transparency, and growth, building an internal community that thrives and retains top talent.
Don’t let misaligned procedures and unchecked egos hold your business back. Invest in a Humming Session today and take the first step towards a harmonious, high-performing internal community guided by well-crafted HouseRules.
Sign #3 of an Unhealthy Business Ego: The Self-Centred Narcissist
Signs of the "Center of the Universe" Ego
Manage Unhealthy Ego in the Workplace
Implement HouseRules for Your Business
HouseRules for your internal community is just as important as the customer journey. Business owners have legal obligations to have key policies and procedures in place when they have a team. That doesn’t prevent those in charge from going beyond their legal responsibilities. Meaningful supervision and appraisals will allow the employer to monitor and assist the individual. It’s also the opportunity for the individual to give feedback. It’s about building a relationship.
Done properly, not only will it be possible to recognise unhealthy ego traits but you will also know where and how to revise your procedures and processes to serve and guide the entire business.
Navigating unhealthy egos in the workplace can be tricky, but you don’t have to go it alone. Sign up for our mailing list to receive regular insights and tips on building a thriving ethical business.
From recognising unhealthy ego red flags to implementing accountability measures, personalised emails will arm you with the knowledge to nip toxic behaviours in the bud before they derail your team’s progress. Stay ahead of the game by subscribing now!
Don't Let an Unhealthy Ego Fuel Hostility - Implement HouseRules
- From the point of recruitment and onboarding, know what to look for in a candidate rather than being wooed;
- Having each individual recognise that rules in the organisation are not arbitrary. They are implemented to fulfil the overall values and purpose of the company.
- No one is above or excluded from HouseRules they are monitored, and action will be taken if they are not complied with.
The signs of an unhealthy business ego we covered:
- the overconfident underachiever,
- the micromanaging control freak, and
- the self-centred narcissist.
Any of which can completely derail a business. If you notice these glaring signs of an unhealthy business ego festering in your workplace, it’s critical to take action quickly.
An unhealthy business ego left unchecked can disrupt team dynamics, hinder growth, and derail your business entirely. By recognising the key signs of an unhealthy business ego early and implementing clear HouseRules, you can maintain control and create an environment that shuts down toxic behaviour and signs of an unhealthy business ego before they take root.
Don’t miss the signs of an unhealthy business ego sabotaging your business success. Take proactive steps to manage unhealthy business ego in the workplace by booking a complimentary Sip & Chat today. Let’s get your house in order with HouseRules.