It's your choice how we clean house

Serving You

Are you ready to take the lead?

If you’re ready to take control of your business, look at the services. We can work together to streamline and elevate your company to the next level. But, firstly, you will soon realise that a different approach to business is taken here.

No pigeons allowed, only individuals with a drive for success

There is no framework to pigeonhole you into a box. Your business is unique to you. It was born from your realisation that something was missing in the market, and you were the person to fill that gap. Therefore why would you do yourself a disservice by trying to create the new with old tricks?
What you are building needs a structure to succeed. Have the support that aligns with your business and the individuals who become a part of it. Yes, there is a baseline, but if you’re not basic, look at the following packages.

Sip & Chat

This is complimentary and allows us to gauge if we can work together. You can do your due diligence on me in many ways – check out my socials. This is not a sales call. I can answer any questions you may have about the packages. To start, you’ve got to choose which service best fits your needs.

Humming session

You get so much from a good conversation. This is the signature service for CAS Ltd because the key to understanding is talking. You will have up to an hour to vent, be vulnerable or seek clarity on anything within your business that is weighing heavy on your mind. Let it out in a space where you will feel no judgement or be held accountable for not being the boss for a period of time. So many use the session to be human!

A problem shared in the right setting allows you to remain the pillar of strength in your business.

Sign up for the monthly update so there is no need to set a reminder to check in on yourself.  

Refund Policy Review

Whether you are a product-based or a service-based business, it will serve you well to have a realist approach to not always pleasing all the people.

There’s an entire Act (141 pages) of rules and guidelines on the transparency of doing business with consumers. And even with this comprehensive policy, so many in business get it wrong.

Better to be safe than tangle with unnecessary woes that are time-consuming, costly and bad for business.

This is where it gets serious...

Services bespoke to your business

It’s good to talk, but sometimes some action is required to have the signature packages. So they combine Humming sessions and us getting to work to get your house in order.

Before booking any of these packages, we must have a Sip & Chat. You must also be aware that although I will work with your internal community, you and I must become partners. The only person who knows your vision and the direction that the company is headed towards is you. Therefore, getting your house in order requires you to be present. It doesn’t mean every step of the way, but it is critical to the best practices of CAS Ltd and The Ethical Strategist.

We're in this together

You don’t have to do this alone.  Admittedly it can be a daunting task and even more so when you don’t have that passion.  So why torture yourself or some other overstretch individual in your team.  Besides the view looking in is different to who you have become accustomed to on the inside.

There are a number of ways we can work together to ensure you get the HouseRules that are right for your business.  Below are the bespoke package.  Instead of asking how you would like your steak, here we how much input would you like?

Dust Off

You have a concern that is going to take more than a conversation. First, you need the process or procedure to be reviewed. Then, you want an action plan. Once the issue is narrowed down, you and your internal community can work on the rest. Should you need further guidance, there’s always a Humming session, or you can level up!

Clean Up

The next level of assistance is more involvement. Sometimes you can’t explain the issues or want confirmation that it is a concern before continuing. The Ethical Strategist can come and observe, meet with key team members, and review the immediate process or procedure. Again, the package is tailored to the specific needs of your business.

Clear Out

The ultimate package is where you temporarily gain another member of your internal community. This is where we get into the thick of it—the trial and error to eventually replace what was not serving your team or building something from scratch. Remember, the framework is to structure to support your business, not the other way around.

As simple as 1, 2, 3!

Cards on the table; this isn’t going to be a breeze. It’s the primary reason many businesses have Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) or forgotten policies. It’s a contributing factor to a competitive market.

With HouseRules, you have clarity on where the business is going. You set the expectations and boundaries for others to work within. You have the understanding and confidence to scale the company and the time to do so.

"I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best."

– Oscar Wilde