
A man dressed smart casual with a relaxed pose of having his hands in his trouser pocket because he has mastered overcoming small business fear

Overcoming Small Business Fears

Okay, so you may not be thinking about securing your legacy but overcoming small business fear about something is always dangling in the back of your mind. Running a small business can be a rollercoaster of challenges, leaving many owners feeling overwhelmed and fatigued. Today, let’s look at some of the biggest fears you as […]

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As the head of the company bossing up is more that pretending to listen.

Boss Up with HouseRules

When writing this, it’s the last day of the first quarter.  Resolutions made for the start of a new year are faded and forgotten.  You’re either patting yourself on the back for achieving those targets or commiserating and preparing for a pep talk. Entering the next quarter with more fire and enthusiasm – you won’t accept

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Two women excited by an order that has come through on the laptop demonstrating the love for your business as an owner.

Love for your Business

Do you love your business? Several factors will determine the answer to such a loaded question. Having reached the end of the month, you may have thought I wouldn’t touch on the subject. But let’s briefly go over this in honour of the month of love. The First Love of your Business As someone new

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Man seated with perplexed express looking at laptop hold his chin. Introducing policies to an online business will bring clarity.

5 Policies for an Online Business

Key policies to have in your online business will help you grow with purpose.  Firstly, let’s recap what a policy is (because small business owners don’t believe this applies to them).  Also, it makes up one of the three core elements of The Ethical Strategist’s HouseRules (along with Internal Community and Ethics).  Going through the

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