CAS Ltd Cas Johnson The Ethical Strategist The Confusion in Business 12

PIP: A Strategic Tool or a Ticking Time Bomb for Your Business?

A video this week triggered a classic rant on the bad practice and ulterior motives behind the Performance Improvement Plan (PIP). As The Ethical Strategist, I believe that structure through policies and procedures is the way to successful business growth. So how is it possible to be at odds with such a widely used practice? Well, let’s not stand on ceremony and get into it to see where the other two elements of HouseRules have been neglected to the detriment of the business.

The Misnomer: Why "Improvement" is Misleading

Start with a name

Firstly, it’s not aptly named. The mention of “improvement” allows for the presumption of investing time to work on issues, potentially getting back on track. However, if you were to search social media platforms where real people share their experiences, this is far from reality. It’s more like a not-so-secret code for doomsday.
Anyone not new to business appears to know that this is anything but support for a person who may be at a time of need. So why can’t those in charge or managing the process be honest? While some view it as a head start to finding new employment, this is far from clear in the process name.

The Disconnect: Policies vs. Practice

Inconsistent Messaging

You can’t in one breath welcome individuals to the company and ask them to get comfortable, then in the next breath tell them or a colleague that they’re not pulling their weight and have limited time to prove their loyalty. This isn’t about enforcing expectations and boundaries, but about how it’s done. One-to-ones, check-ins, and regular appraisals should pick up any performance issues, allowing them to be addressed in a less pressurised environment.

Regular Catch-Ups vs. PIPs

In fact, if done effectively, there should be no need for a PIP because regular catch-ups should address concerns. Perhaps that’s why many say it should come as no surprise when an individual is finally put on notice of a PIP. This leads us to ask: if the PIP is merely for collecting supporting evidence to terminate, why weren’t the manager and/or HR recording notes throughout regular supervision meetings?

Ready to Transform Your Business Practices?

If the Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) has left you questioning your current practices and yearning for a more ethical approach, it’s time to take action. Don’t let misaligned policies derail your business. Instead, let’s get your business humming with finely tuned practices that support sustainable growth.

The Risks of Playing by the Wrong Rules:

  • Relying on generic templates or outdated policies is a ticking time bomb for your business.
  • It creates an illusion of compliance that can shatter at the most inconvenient time, leaving you vulnerable to costly legal issues, operational inefficiencies, and a disconnected team.

Are You Ready to Get Your House in Order?

Running a successful business means having a solid foundation – a set of tailored policies and procedures that guide your internal community towards shared goals with integrity and accountability.

Don’t settle for someone else’s rules; it’s time to craft your own rulebook that resonates with your unique vision.

Let's Talk

Take action today to learn more and schedule your complimentary initial consultation. Let’s have a constructive, solutions-oriented conversation about optimizing your business processes. We’ll identify what’s working and where there may be room for improvement, all in a spirit of collaboration.

It's Not Performance, It's Personality

CAS Ltd An attentive businessman

Unmeasurable Targets

Research shows that in many cases, targets put in place for individuals to satisfy are rarely measurable. It’s often not the failure to meet targets or be productive, but the individual’s attitude. Therefore, the PIP is used to cover up an error in judgment. Rarely is there a review of what may have led to these circumstances.

Accountability in Leadership

As Marc Randolph states in his article ‘The Performance Improvement Plan is Cruel and Unusual’, “Be respectful and acknowledge that this is as much your fault as theirs.” If someone really isn’t the right fit for the company, that should prompt a revisit to the recruitment process. What questions are being asked? What tasks are being set, and what information is given and accessible for candidates to research the business? 

Stay tuned for more valuable insights. You don’t have to remember to check in for the latest Ethical Insights for more suggestions on aligning your policies and procedures and how they relate internally and externally to the business.

If you’re struggling to find time to at least have a taster of the life you dreamed of, it’s time for us to have a Sip & Chat.

Ethical Business Practices for Growth

Misuse of PIPs

A PIP, in theory and on paper, appears to be what every business could benefit from, but not when misused. The lack of respect and failure to see value in each individual is a driving factor in this disturbing behaviour. Sadly, those claiming to protect the business are frankly doing the contrary.
A man in a shirt and tie trying to decipher the next best steps as he takes into consideration leadership accountability. PIP can be a strategy.

Building a Respectful Culture

Even worse are those who proudly proclaim years of service while perpetuating the undignified actions of making individuals sing for their supper, fully intending to kick them to the kerb once they’ve danced to the tune.
Only then do they decide to take to social media and educate others on the secret code of bad, ugly, and unethical business practices.
If the pitfalls of Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs) have left you questioning your business practices, it’s time to take action. Don’t let uncertainty and misalignment hinder your business’s success. Book a Clean Up review today and gain clarity on your operations.

Don’t Allow the Dust to Settle

Take proactive steps now to align your policies, procedures, and team collaborations with your company’s mission and values. Book a Clean Up review to identify areas for improvement and receive tailored recommendations. This is the key to unlocking smoother operations and greater success for your business.
Remember, this is more than just a review; it’s an opportunity to gain clarity and direction for your business. Let’s get your house in order and keep your business humming.

Time for Change

I am Cas Johnson, The Ethical Strategist, here at CAS Ltd, the belief is a structured business with policies and procedures can achieve successful growth with HouseRules.

However, there must be a balance of ethics and building interdependency with the internal community.

Ready to take the lead and change the game? Book a Sip & Chat to discuss your starting point.

Serving you in business to get your house in order with HouseRules

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