Change management can be applied in many different ways. You can have a complete overall team or department, or you can have more minor actions that streamline the running of the business and is more appealing to the affected individuals. Those who can don’t stand around overseeing, from personal experience, the intention is always to get the team trained up and have a different view on implementing change and managing any situation. We shouldn’t have to wait for disaster to strike. It’s about addressing the risks.
Although my approach is quite unorthodox compared to the run-of-the-mill offerings, the focus is as much on the people within the organisation and the company’s reputation once the transformation is complete. There is a genuine determination not to leave the internal community with lasting painful scars and trauma under the guise of improvement.
Who to work with for effective change
You already know how best you work, so when you are looking for assistance to make changes in your business, select someone who compliments your style. When looking for someone who rolls up their sleeves, takes in the surroundings and takes the time to understand your vision.
I talk to everyone and ask questions out of curiosity and for clarification. It’s not about misleading others with large or complicated words. Keeping it simple and purposeful allows us to work at the same pace.
Are you looking to fit in a box, or do you want someone to appreciate the difference you offer to the world? What usually happens is that you get the professionals in because they make grand gestures on how they can turn your business around.
Once you start testing the market, a significant risk is that you get used to reaping the rewards. So much so that you never have the drive to revisit and flesh out those HouseRules. Therefore your core values are not stated but left to others to conclude. There also needs to be a guide to assist your team in staying on track. Having others infer their version of your purpose can only lead to confusion.
What's the point of change?
Save money, streamline your approach, and attract better clientele.
You become the new pet project, paying for the pleasure as the expert tears down what was and implements the new. The grumbles of your internal community were forewarned at the start of this transformation because people don’t like change.
Poppycock! If people despise change as much as they chant, we would still be driving cars in driving gloves and no power steering. We would need our index finger to turn the dial on the telephone where the receiver sits in the cradle rather than suffering thumb-itus from the constant messaging.
Every role in your business is essential to the purpose. And every position has a person working to fulfil the mission. Remember this when making a life-changing decision.
The baby steps of change management
Grand gestures are unnecessary and usually unproductive. Launching a master plan is typically a slap in the face to your existing internal community. You pay a pretty penny to the geniuses who will see you sunning yourself on a tropical beach and having someone bring you pina colas.
They ask to see the reports and numbers and tell you what they have done for others. Very rarely do they ask you about your vision beyond the numbers or engage with all levels of your staff. Why climb the tree when there are easy pickings in easy reach?
No one will know the systems and processes better than those who do the job daily. At some point, it’s always beneficial to talk to those in the thick of it because they will have opinions. Unfortunately, they have either shared them in the past or are unwilling to listen. Alternatively, they may have some ideas and solutions, but no one has bothered to give them the space to share.
Individuals in your organisation are not your possession. Consulting is not a sign of weakness. On the contrary, it shows respect and value.
Managing the change without alienating
Imagine if the fault was not with the workman but with the tools. As individuals, we all have unique talents, and whilst one person can identify what action to take to improve the process, another person may excel in the delivery. It can be challenging to test and trial changes when you run a business with limited resources. Moreso, if you are relying on a whim and need more depth of knowledge in the area itself.
Any role in your organisation that can change without a conversation with the person already carrying out those duties is not paramount to the business. Recognise that everyone within your internal community has relevance to the company. You may be too far removed to know the details of what they do but keep in mind that a person fills the role, and there is always the opportunity to have a conversation.
They ask to see the reports and numbers and tell you what they have done for others. Very rarely do they ask you about your vision beyond the numbers or engage with all levels of your staff. Why climb the tree when there are easy pickings in easy reach?
No one will know the systems and processes better than those who do the job daily. At some point, it’s always beneficial to talk to those in the thick of it because they will have opinions. Unfortunately, they have either shared them in the past or are unwilling to listen. Alternatively, they may have some ideas and solutions, but no one has bothered to give them the space to share.
A business will undergo numerous transformations as it grows and establish roots. Naturally, as the leader, you want to maximise profits, sales and success. However, it does not mean having to trade your most valuable possession in an attempt to leap forward. What’s the point in taking the jump when you have sold your parachute to go next?
I am The Ethical Strategist working with leaders with hearts and ambition. Working together to ensure the mission you have set yourself is on track whilst at the same time surrounding yourself with individuals with as much drive and passion for complementing your vision. Not one to keep you any longer than necessary, look out for the following Ethical Insight. In the meantime, if you would like to take more book a Sip & Chat.