And the battle for mothers in business continues. An admin assistant at a security system supplier revealed that she was pregnant after a short time of starting at the company. She was effectively fired and ended up being awarded £15,000 for discrimination. So how is it possible that this type of discrimination continues today?
The hot topics of the moment are centred around well-being, equity and inclusion, but how can we move on to the advanced concerns if we don’t have the basics covered? There are numerous theories on why this type of discrimination still occurs in the workplace. This instance serves as a model example of the inevitable when there are a lack of HouseRules.
Preparing for Battle
It is not overindulgence. It is taking action to protect the business. Have a guide to assist your team in staying on track. Allowing others the free reign to implement their version of your purpose can confuse the entire organisation. And without HouseRules in place, their thoughts became those of the company.
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The build up to the Battle
The stress of the unknown can affects everyone differently. It’s not to say it’s right or justified. It’s to recognise that we are all human and mistakes are made, and emotions can get the better of us. Adequate support and guidance at this point could have rescued the situation.
If you fail to enlighten your team on the importance of the greater rules and incorporate them in your HouseRules. You are asking for trouble.
The results of a Battle won
Curate an ethical business so that you don't have to feel the sting of the law and the hefty fine.
- to support the internal community, valuing, encouraging and empowering each individual to feel a sense of belonging;
- for policies and procedures to set out the expectations of the business from the get-go whilst remaining legally and regulatory compliant, and;
- to stay true to what you have said to build trust, confidence and lasting relations.
I am The Ethical Strategist empowering individuals to make their actions count. No man is an island, and leaders come in many forms, each and everyone has their turn to shine.
Not one to keep you any longer than necessary, look out for the following Ethical Insight. In the meantime, if you would like to talk more, book a Sip & Chat.