There is much in the way of advice when starting an “authentic” business. The focus is on success and making money (not in that order). Yet the world is changing, and there is panic and confusion. How do you achieve a viable authentic business today?
The Ethical Strategist is all for the success of a business. However, it is looking at the success of everyone which determines the more significant achievement. Armed with your “House Rules,” there is no longer a need to fake it til you make it.
Financial gain is inevitable. Having a meaningful positive impact requires a purpose.
1. Remember You Are an Employee
2. An Authentic Business has HouseRules
Why wait for the expansion? You already have one employee. You get to experience first-hand how others receive your business. It wouldn’t take very long to determine experiences that are never to be repeated. In other cases, it’s a matter of standing firm and being clear about what you are offering from the outset.

3. Accept your Shortcomings
Find the right balance in your authentic business. The Ethical Strategist helps you find that sweet spot. All you have to do is book a Humming session. Stop spending money trying to solve the issues with a quick fix. You don’t have to keep wasting time trying to make something out of nothing. Stop wasting your time moving in a circular motion. Let’s have a conversation and relay the ground rules of your business.
4. Selection for your Authentic Business

5. Remember to Have a Life
Finally, before you are a business owner or an employee, you are a person. As such, you deserve a life of your own however you choose to live it. Adopting and adapting the phrase “la dolce vita”, the sweet life is not only for time away from the business life. Again it is the balance of both worlds. You will have a community of family and friends that you will sometimes have to put on hold whilst you deal with the issues of the business (this was mentioned in point 1).
So, will there be times when you will have to put the business on hold? Saying no to clients, rescheduling or negotiating the terms of service. This may be awkward in the beginning. The first steps are always wobbly. However, if you have your HouseRules in order, to have support, even when it may only be you.
Rules are meant to be broken, but the policies of your business are the foundation for being. The only time they will need adjusting is on your say-so, when the balance is slightly off-kilter.
Make memories outside of your business. Be an example to the rest of your internal community. What excuse for not enjoying the sweet life if you have the above elements? No one said you had to spend every waking minute in your business. And if they did, who cares? This is your business. You have a purpose to fulfilling, and that will only happen to your satisfaction when you implement your rules.
Those who have a passion for business. Those who want to achieve the right balance. When you need to have that conversation, reach out to The Ethical Strategist to look at all aspects. Business is about the people in your business as well as the customers you serve.